Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen

Institut fⁿr Politikwissenschaft

News on this Server

30 June 1997
Students of the Institute participated at 1997 National Model United Nations as delegations of Brunei and Kamerun. The homepage of this project is now integrated as hyperlink in the homepage of the Institute / Unit 2 (International Relations/Peace and Conflict Studies).
26 June 1997
It is now possible to make a full-text-recherche in all the sites of the Faculty of Social Sciences (includes our Institute). This possibility is implemented in our english homepage .
The recherche in the catalogue of the library is now possible via WWW. Further details please see in the english site of the library under the point "research with WWW-connection".
28 April 1997
Nr. 28a of the "Tübinger Arbeitspapiere zur Internationalen Politik und Friedensforschung" (Tubingen Working Papers for International Relations/Peace and Conflict Studies) is available as full text version (97 KB). Authors: Volker Rittberger and Frank Schimmelfennig. Title: German Forein Policy After Unification, A Re-Examination of Realist Prognoses, A Tubingen-Based Project.
10 December 1996
The german page of the Center for Internatioal Relations/Peace and Conflict Studies has been updated. Especially Number 27 of the "Tübingen Working Papers on International Politics and Peace Research" can be viewed or downloaded from this server (full text).
2 December 1996
The pages of the Center for International Relations/Peace and Conflict Studies have been updated. See especially the general information and the list of publications .
15 November 1996
New Informations about theOnline-Catalogue (OPAC) of the Library.
17 July 1996
Information about the Department of Middle Eastern Studies ( Unit III ) has been added.
26 June 1996
a) The phone numbers have changed - please refer to the adress lists.
b) Number 26 of the "Tübingen Working Papers on International Politics and Peace Research" can be viewed/downloaded from this server (full text).
20 May 1996
Unit I and Unit III have added a few pages.
29 February 1996
Today these pages can be accessed on the WWW for the first time. We are going to gradually extend the information offered during the next weeks and ask for your patience if the specific information you are looking for is still unavailable.

spi-info@uni-tuebingen.de(spi-info@uni-tuebingen.de) - Stand: 9th July 1997